I acknowledge that I have invited the Mobile Prayer Unit along with given permission to enter my home/property, to pray for my requested need. I have done so voluntarily and not under duress. I may request them to leave at any time.
I release the Mobile Prayer Unit and New Nature Church, their staff or representatives from any liability in relation to any damages, injury, or financial loss as a result of engaging with MPU.
Members of the MPU are not trained or licensed counsellors. The MPU will carry out their function to the best of their ability, any advice given may be rejected or accepted.
All interactions with the MPU are free of charge, and confidential. I understand my information may be shared with MPU leadership. Exception to this is in regards to mandatory reporting required by law.
I am of 18 years of age or above. If you are under 18 years of age a parental/guardian is agreeing on my behalf.
Mobile Prayer Unit is in partnership and under the covering of New Nature Church Ltd. ABN: 84 613 985 014